Thursday, June 24, 2010

Berry Time!

Almost the end of June and this is my first post of the month...definitely not keeping up. I have been having problems with the laptop so I have only been on to do what is essential and nothing else. It seems to be working okay right I am here.
I have made mulberry coffeecake, mulberry jam, and mulberry and blueberry cake.
I have about 8 gallon bags of frozen mulberries out in the chest freezer, and I've dehydrated a couple batches. I am thinking of making some mulberry wine sometime!

I ordered a pressure canner from Amazon. I received it about two weeks ago and I finally took it out of the package to look at it today. I would be lying if I said I wasan't intimidated by it. It looks so industrial, and the whole pressured cooking is scary...knowing it can blow up if not down correctly! I am not sure what I want to can first. I saw a recipe for grapefruit marmalade that I want to try...and maybe some more jams since berries are in season. I'll have to shop the farmers markets to see what I can make. But first I need to buy canning jars and lids!!