Thursday, April 8, 2010

Spring Blooms

Just wanted to make a note in here so I can find it later...yesterday, April 7, 2010, the tulips first bloomed...yellow ones. The red were still closed. Also, yesterday was the first day I saw dandelions bloomed as well. The pear tree has some blossoms starting, and all the trees seem to be sprouting leaves. The Miss Kim lilacs out front grow more and more each day. Yesterday I saw a still green but tinted purple bud, though it was still tightly bound...they seem to loosen everyday.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

No pain, no gain...or so they say

I have been busting my butt lately...trying to prepare the house for the arrival of my sister, two nieces, and father. They will be visiting our new home for the first time, and staying with us for a week. So I have been busy painting, decorating, furnishing the house. I am always so over-ambitious in my planning. I'll write out my goals, or to-do list, for the day. By the end of the day I end up finishing one or two tasks out of a list of ten to fifteen items. I must think things take less time to do than they actually require. My kitchen is painted, trim and doors. The outside door is painted, and the porch is furnished and decorated. I still need to pull the old carpet from the guest room and buy a new bed...the guest room is storage right now. So much work to do. Yesterday my back started bothering me...really bad. I have had back problems in the past and have had to have muscle relaxants and pain killers. I was out for a couple weeks! So I'm hoping if I rest it today, with anti-inflammatories, a heating pad, and some Ben Gay, I may be alright. Here's hoping...