
Our first year at our home we just transplanted some tomatoes, jalapenos, basil, and marigolds from plants purchased at a nursery. We weren't sure where we wanted our garden to be yet...that was our first experience with gardening. We learned a lot...mainly how much larger things grow than what you expect...give them their space!  And we were introduced to the infamous Tomato (or Tobacco) Hornworm!!! Our first harvest, however, was from the established mulberry trees on the property. This is where our name comes from...Mulberry Farm! We had a lot of fun collecting the berries, I made some first time ever! And we froze a bunch for later use. We don't have much in the form of posts from that first year. But we did a June Garden Update.

2011(still being updated)
Our second year of gardening.  This year we knew where we wanted to put the garden...we just didn't get the ground tilled until May.  So much for our dreams of the spring garden, lol. But we managed to get it done one bed at a time. We also started everything from seed...our first introduction to this!!  Mark made us a nice grow cart with lights so our lil plant babies would have a cozy spot to get started. It worked wonderfully! We started Roma tomatoes, rainbow bell tomatoes, and cherry tomatoes, jalapenos, bell peppers, Tabasco peppers, oregano, basil, cilantro...our full list of seeds we ordered can be found here. Or you can click on each individual plant name below and see what success, or not, we had with them in the garden...

  • Tabasco Peppers

  • Thick Cayenne peppers

  • Primo Jalapeno

  • Rainbow Bell Peppers

  • Roma Tomatoes

  • Sweet Baby Girl Tomatoes

  • Rainbow Bells Blend Tomatoes

  • Red Pontiac Potatoes

  • Green & Gold Blend Beans

  • Baby Thoragreen Lima Beans

  • Maestro Peas

  • Romaine Lettuce

  • Tyee Spinach

  • Rainbow Blend Carrots

  • Harrier Hybrid Beets

  • Connecticutt Field Pumpkin

  • Spaghetti Squash

  • Gurney's Pride Zucchini

  • Sassy Cucumbers

  • Athena Cantaloupe

  • Sugar Baby Watermelon

  • Sweet Basil

  • Mammoth Gray Sunflowers

  • Birdhouse Gourds

  • Coriander/Cilantro

  • Oregano

  • Snow Crown Hybrid Cauliflower

  • Atlantis Hybrid Broccoli

  • Sapomiel Hybrid Melon

  • Tango Hybrid Sweet Pepper