Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Getting spots

The chicks continue to grow and change every day.  They are now starting to get their spots! And they love to roost on the stick we gave them!

We've also made available some chick grit and have given them a piece of sod dug up from the yard. It is fun to watch them scratch it up looking for bugs and worms. 

With the wet weather we have had, the girls collected worms and had fun feeding them to our lil ones.

Also, after a bit of research and internet surfing we have a few indicators as to whether they are male or female.  Females will have a dark wash on their legs. And males will develop their tail feathers and combs first.  There is also supposed to be a way to tell by the dot of white on their forehead.  Males have larger white spots. These methods are not 100% accurate, however, going by those indicators we are in trouble.  Looks like we will have more males than females.  Yikes!