Thursday, July 21, 2011

Stem Propagation

I thought I might be able to try stem cutting propagation while pruning my lilacs.  I also tried it on some Rose of Sharon and Cotoneaster.  I kept the trimmings moist, put in sterile medium, and tented them to keep humid.

Every day I sprayed the inside of each tent with water.

These are the lilacs (above). The leaves were cut in half to reduce moisture intake.

What happened was...some of the clippings dried and died.  And most of the rest ended up becoming moldy.  I have three Rose of Sharon clippings in my kitchen windowsill that are still hanging on. 

Not the best first try in propagation by stem cuttings.  Next time I'm going to try a variety of methods and see which ones I have the most success with.  Perhaps the type of plant itself will have a favorite method.

Next time I will try using a rooting hormone on the stems.

I may also try just planting some clippings to see if they take root. (Some people have said they have success with this.)

I may try some in water.

And I may try the tent method again...but pay more attention to mold growth! I will got busy and I didn't pay as much attention to them as they should have had. Next time....