Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Our First Eggs

I was having a particularly hard day. The roosters are becoming more and more of a problem with their teenage hormone-fueled asinine behavior. They like to target my favorite hen and gang up on her...jumping on her back and tearing into her with their claws and beaks. This morning, when letting the chickens out of the coop for the day, we found our poor Beauty limping around. I thought her foot was broken but upon inspection I found a small cut on her toe. I soaked it in warm water and Epsom salt and cleaned it with hydrogen peroxide and then irrigated with a diluted iodine solution.  Neosporin and bandaged up, I kept her close to me for the day. Made it tough to get much done.  I had the hose close by and had to spray off the gang of roosters that kept trying to get close to her. When Mark got home we rounded the boys up and they went into their fenced in chicken run. We let the girls have some peace and quiet to continue their free-ranging, lol. Well...that is when we found them!!! Our first eggs!!!

Aren't they beautiful?! 

Oh, and the boys' days are numbered.  Nine more days and they are freezer-bound!!