Over the past year, the girls' collection of bugs has increased....dead ones I mean. They would never harm a bug just because they wanted to keep it. These bugs they find already deceased.

This year the cicadas have been good to them, lol. Georgia can tell you anything you ever wanted to know about cicadas. She likes to learn more about the bugs they find.
Katydids creep me out! The live ones, anyway...
And yes that is a urine specimen cup on the left, lol. Whatever works, right? (it has never been used, lol) Old jam jars, peanut butter jars, my tupperware!
Mark and I are trying to come up with a way for them to display their collection. I was thinking of a shadow box display on the wall, but they need something that will allow them to take them out and examine them whenever they feel the need. Hmmmm....
We'll also need something for their feather collection, rock collection, nest collection, seed collection....
As I am writing this I hear Animal Planet's Most Extreme in the background talking about a bug, lol.