Saturday, February 5, 2011

Healing from a Virus

I am writing from the laptop.  The desktop has some type of virus!  I have run scans from four different security systems and found some things with each.  Re-ran the scans and nothing shows up.  Yet, I know it is still infected because the internet browser goes wacky!  Argh.  I have spent a lot of time trying to fix it...scans take a long time!  And the computer wouldn't get into safe mode at first.  Poor thing.  Hope it is healed up soon.  All my photos are over there! I have the older ones on disk in our fire-proof safe, but not the newer ones from the last three years!

This has obviously spawned some deep discussions on computer viruses, spyware, bad people, internet safety and all that good stuff.

I'm giving it a break today....have to go run some errands later and know if will take at least another four hours or so of cursing, running to the laptop to look things up, running back, trying something else, rebooting....