Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Home Makeover Ideas

We've lived here for over a year now.  So far we have redone the pantry and painted it, as well as painted the kitchen walls, trim, and doors, and put a fresh coat on the porch wall. That's it.  I mean, we have done things outdoors, fixed other problems, but as far as design and decorating....we haven't done a whole lot.

One of the reasons for this is because we really wanted to live in the space a while, to see how we used different rooms and areas, to sit with an idea for a while before going with it. My bedroom wall color has changed in my mind a few has many other rooms.  I'm glad we waited, that's for sure.  But I am feeling such an itch to get things moving!  First we had to get through Thanksgiving...and all my Christmas projects needed done first, then wait till Christmas decorations had been taken down and packed away.  Now we are waiting until after we get back from our Anniversary vacation.  After that....I hope there are no more excuses.  I want to get started!!

My ideas for our bedroom (which I moved furniture around in today, lol) is to have a robin's egg blue wall color, with a cream white trim and window frame. I was thinking the colors would be the robin's egg blue, cream, tan to dark brown, and maybe a green? Not sure yet.  I just thought of that today, lol. 

My ideas for the dining room...which is really our play room, den, study, craft room, music room, etc... is to have the walls orange.  (I wanted red, but Olivia really really wanted orange...and I figure I can always paint over it when she is older, right?) With a white accent color on trim, doors, window frames, and the built in bookshelves that Mark will need to make. The floors need redone...the piano needs refinished and tuned. 

My ideas for the living room...we need to put up paneling because the walls are so badly damaged...they have an ugly wallpaper covering them now.  We'll paint the paneling some type of green I'm thinking.  From the living room you can see the orange dining room and blue it would need to be something that doesn't clash too much. We need new living room furniture.  We'll get either black or dark brown for that...with some throw pillows and blankets to soften them up. All the wood floors need redone...but I'll want a nice rug in there, too.

Guest room....still not sure about.  Was thinking red...not sure. That may be last.

First bathroom I was going to do in a lime green?...with browns and white.

Second bathroom and laundry clue...maybe purple.  I know...I like color I guess! Maybe yellow. There are no windows in there. idea

Olivia's room.  She likes orange, but still not sure how we are doing it yet. She recently said she wanted a green with orange accents.  She already has orange curtains and rug, and orange afghan I crocheted for her.

Georgia's room. No clue.  She has changed from wanting it red and green and black and brown to blue and green and I don't know what else. Our recent trip to the paint store had her choosing a deep blue, green, red, and for each wall!! Her ceiling will definitly need is a forest green right now.

And back to the kitchen...we have blue walls and a white trim. Cabinets have not been touched.  They don't close all the way because of the over-ambitious previous owners who loved to paint...but weren't too good at it.  I'm talking dried drips on the walls, paint drips on the floors...looks like kids painted, actually. They painted over hinges...and over the screws to take them off!!  I want some more shelves made for over the stove, cutting cart, and fridge. Not sure how to decorate it yet.  I did redo the kitchen chair cushions. But as far as things on the wall...I have a clock. That's it, lol.  I just don't know where to go with it!!

I love wabi-sabi design and philosophy, so I want to incorporate that in here, too. Not sure it goes with the bright colors, though...but I love colors!

My design asthetic is all over the place.  I like wabi-sabi, natural, zen looks.  I also like the old country look, and some retro, some mod...yikes. Need to zero in on a feel and stick to it, right?  Or is there a way to make them mesh...and work, without looking too cluttered and confused?!