Saturday, February 5, 2011

Who watches the shopping channel anyway??

My kids do!  When they first decided to check it out, I thought, "oh brother, this is going to be so boring." But, as always, they make everything fun!  They are so funny.  They love to laugh at the hosts, their funny expressions, how excited their voice gets.  And you know what....they've actually learned a lot from watching it.  They have learned about several gemstones and minerals that I had never heard about...even going in to their history and when and where they were discovered.  Of course, we got into talking about the value on rocks!  On how the more rare ones are given a higher value, which gets into the supply, demand discussions. And they've learned the names of different muscles of the body from the fitness infomercials. They crack up when they show the before/after photos of people's butts and always say, "why does anyone care what their BUTT looks like!?" LOL. And then there are the advertising tricks.  They know how advertisers want you to buy their product.  They have never been one to hear, "you need this toy, it is the best, everybody has one" and come running to me and ask for it.  No, they are pretty smart cookies...takes a lot for them to be fooled! We try to use our critical thinking skills here. They've even discussed making up their own commercials as a spoof, and filming them. I think that would be great!